Create a Demo Chat Package

Create a Demo Chat Package

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Quick start: You have some content and you want other people to be able to chat with it.
  1. You have content (like a document) that has 100s of words of text.
  2. Enter a document name.
  3. Paste the content in to Content.
  4. Click Submit
  5. The Chat (ICE) package will NOT be saved but you can copy it and share it with people.
  6. Tell people you're sharing it with to paste it into an AI system like ChatGPT.
  7. Sign up to start saving chat packages, connecting related chat packages, uploading PDFs, and more.

Enter the name of the document here. If there is no document then use this as a title for the content. Max length is 256 characters. Is a rquired field.

Character is not exact because AiWerkz may add
tags to the content.
Provide the content of the document here. Max length is 65525 characters which is typically in the range of 10,000 to 16,000 words. If you enter too much text we will let you know. Then you can break the document into two or more sections.